
  • 脱发真是令人烦恼


    【脱发真是令人烦恼】 当人类的祖先从爬行变成站立行走,又走出丛林深处之后,身上的体毛慢慢退去,毛发也分化成了硬毛和毳毛 毳毛俗称汗毛,而硬毛组成了胡须和头发 经过自然的选择,人类直立行走后,把茂密的头发留下来,是为了保护头皮免受外界压力和光线的影响,并在头顶建立缓冲带,防止过冷和过热 但是这个世界,充满了希望也充满了挑战 战争、贫困、瘟疫、无知愚昧、环境污染...

  • 斑秃(5)-晨读报告


    keywords: anagen, catagen, telogen–––––––––––––––––––Late stageIn the late stage of the disease,the inflammation decreases and numerous miniaturized hair follicles and telogen foll...

  • 斑秃(4)-晨读报告


    Laboratory tests are not usually necessary for the diagnosis but they may be of value in detecting associated conditions, particularly autoimmune disease The hair-pull and hair-plu...

  • 斑秃(3)-读书报告


    读专著,学专业英语!Prognosis in alopecia areata isvariable and not very predictable in the individual patientNevertheless, it has been observed that theprognosis tends to be good in patient...

  • 颞部三角形脱发-读书报告6


    Keywords:growth (anagen, 生长期), cessation (catagen,退行期), and rest (telogen,休止期) phasesTemporal triangular alopecia颞部三角形脱发Clinical features临床特征Temporal triangular alopecia (congenita...

  • 秃斑(2)


    斑秃患者不但有毛发的改变,也会有甲的损害同时斑秃也会和很多疾病和药物等多因素有关,在临床诊断时要多注意问病史,做相应检查(译者注)Nail changes may be present in patients with alopecia areata and include pitting,spotted lunula,and red lunula Chan...

  • 工作日每天早上7:30~8:00, 浙江省人民医院皮肤科的医生们就开始英文专著早读会我们发布中英文报告,有兴趣的医生可以和我们一起学习在专业英语专有名词翻译中,难免会有些不规范用词的中文译文,欢迎广大读者批评指正Keywords:growth (anagen, 生长期), cessation (catagen,退行期), and rest (telogen,...

  • 工作日每天早上7:30~8:00, 浙江省人民医院皮肤科的医生们就开始英文专著早读会我们发布中英文报告,有兴趣的医生可以和我们一起学习Histologically, terminal hairsprogressively transform to vellus hairs(Figs 2249,2250)There is adecrease in the si...

  • 关于毛发类型的小贴士


    Lanugo 毫毛Lanugo(/ləˈnuːɡoʊ,-ˈnjuː-/; fromLatinlanawool) is very fine, soft, usually unpigmented, downyhairthat is sometimes found on the body of afetusornewborn baby It is the firs...

  • 老子的“道法自然”与《黄帝内经》“得顺者生,得逆者败”《老子·二十五章》中说:“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”一句“道法自然”将关于“道”的深刻含义,全都包含在内人作为“道”之所生、“道”之所化的存在物,按照“道法自然”的原则,人的一切活动包括养生都必须遵循自然界的普遍规律,若违背了这个自然规律,则“莫能终其天年”所以,人的生命活动要符合自然规律,才能够...

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