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2019年01月17日 7661人阅读 返回文章列表


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SpA患者首发症状为发热(反应性关节炎50%,未分化SpA26.9%AS15.4%,炎性肠病关节炎3.8%,银屑病性关节炎3.8%)。外周型SpA患者中发热患者比对照组更为常见(65.4% vs 24.0%p < 0.001)。发热型SpA患者HLA- B27阳性率低于对照组患者(52.2% vs 77.0%p < 0.05)。基线期发热型SpA患者系统性炎症标记物明显升高(白细胞计数11.57 vs 7.81cell/μL,p < 0.001;血沉69.2 vs 41.0 mm/ h,p<0.001;c-反应蛋白109.6 vs 15.3 mg/ L,p <0.001)。发热型SpA患者中,使用类固醇治疗的患者比例明显高(57.7% vs 11.0%p < 0.001)。发热型SpA患者中就诊于风湿病专科的患者比例明显低于对照组(7.7%59.0%p < 0.001)

结 论



Fever as an initialmanifestation of spondyloarthritis: A retrospective study.

ByunSJ.et al



We aimed to evaluatea wide spectrum of clinical features of adult patients with spondyloarthritis(SpA) whose initial manifestation was fever, using the Assessment ofSpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) classification criteria.


We retrospectivelycollected the electronic medical records of hospitalized SpA patients whoinitially presented to the Severance Hospital (Seoul, Korea) with fever fromJanuary 2010 to May 2016. As a control group, we also recruited one-hundredconsecutive patients who were diagnosed with SpA in our outpatient clinic.Clinical features and laboratory findingswere compared in two patient groups.


There were 26patients who had fever as initial presentation of SpA (reactive arthritis 50%,undifferentiated SpA 26.9%, ankylosing spondylitis 15.4%,enteropathic arthritis 3.8%, psoriatic arthritis 3.8%). Peripheral SpA was morecommon in febrile SpA patients than in control SpA patients (65.4% vs 24.0%,p<0.001). Febrile SpA patients were less frequently HLA-B27 positive thancontrol SpA patients (52.2% vs 77.0%, p<0.05). At baseline, systemicinflammatory markers were significantly higher in the febrile SpA patients(white blood cell count, 11.57 vs 7.81 cells/μL, p<0.001; erythrocytesedimentation rate, 69.2 vs 41.0 mm/h, p<0.001; C-reactive protein, 109.6 vs15.3 mg/L, p<0.001). The proportion of patients treated with systemicsteroids was significantly higher in febrile SpA patients (57.7% vs. 11.0%,p<0.001). The proportion of patients who visited rheumatology specialty wassignificantly lower in febrile SpA patients than in control SpA patients (7.7%vs 59.0%, p<0.001).


Various subgroups ofSpA can be presented with fever as an initial manifestation. Febrile SpApatients demonstrated higher systemic inflammation and a lower chance to visitrheumatology in early stage. When evaluating febrile patients with any clinicalfeatures of SpA, clinicians are advised to consider performing SpA-focusedevaluation including HLA-B27 or a simple sacroiliac joint radiograph.

PLoS One. 2017 Sep 14;12(9):e0184323.