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Review Article | Published: 15 August 2018

Rheumatoidarthritis and the mucosal origins hypothesis: protection turnsto destruction

V. Michael Holers, M. Kristen Demoruelle, Kristine A. Kuhn, Jane H. Buckner, William H. Robinson, Yuko Okamoto, Jill M. Norris & Kevin D. Deane

Nature Reviews Rheumatologyvolume 14, pages542–557 (2018)


Individuals at high risk of developing seropositiverheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be identified for translational research anddisease prevention studies through the presence of highly informative andpredictive patterns of RA-related autoantibodies, especially anti-citrullinatedprotein antibodies (ACPAs), in the serum. In serologically positive individualswithout arthritis, designated ACPA positive at risk, the presence of mucosalinflammatory processes associated with the presence of local ACPA productionhas been demonstrated. In other at-risk populations, local RA-relatedautoantibody production is present even in the absence of serum autoantibodies.Additionally, a proportion of at-risk individuals exhibit local mucosal ACPAproduction in the lung, as well as radiographic small-airway disease, sputumhypercellularity and increased neutrophil extracellular trap formation. Othermucosal sites in at-risk individuals also exhibit autoantibody production,inflammation and/or evidence of dysbiosis. As the proportion of individuals whoexhibit such localized inflammation-associated ACPA production is substantiallyhigher than the likelihood of an individual developing future RA, this findingraises the hypothesis that mucosal ACPAs have biologically relevant protectiveroles. Identifying the mechanisms that drive both the generation and loss ofexternally focused mucosal ACPA production and promote systemic autoantibodyexpression and ultimately arthritis development should provide insights intonew therapeutic approaches to prevent RA.

Key points

Patients who eventually developseropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pass through a period of RA-relatedautoantibody positivity that is associated with increased levels of cytokinesand chemokines.

Various mucosal processes can influence thedevelopment of systemic immunity and autoimmunity.

Individuals who are at high risk of thefuture development of RA demonstrate evidence of chronic systemic and mucosalinflammation.

Rather than reflecting a loss ofcitrullinated antigen tolerance, immunoglobulin A (IgA) anti-citrullinatedprotein antibodies (ACPAs) are normally produced locally; a systemic IgGresponse likely results from loss of externally focused compartmentalization.

Ongoing studies are linking the developmentof mucosal dysbiosis, inflammation and autoantibody production to the nextstages of development of systemic autoimmunity.

Novel autoimmune-promoting processes arelikely to be identified that function primarily, or exclusively, in thepreclinical period of RA and could be the targets for new preventionstrategies.