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2022年08月11日 3776人阅读 返回文章列表

痤疮疤痕很顽固,没有任何一种治疗方法适用于所有人。多种方法都可能有助于改善肤质。 医生可能会向您推荐其中一种或多种方法联合治疗。有一些痤疮瘢痕是永久的,有一些会随着时间好转。痤疮疤痕有哪些?如何治疗?让我们一起看下去吧~
Acne scars are stubborn, and no single treatment is best for everyone. Various methods may help improve your complexion. Your doctor may suggest one or a combination of these. Some acne scars are permanent and some go away over time. How many types of acne scars are there? And how to treat them? Let's have a look at it together~


痤疮瘢痕的种类(Acne scars types)

Macules. These are flat, red spots where an acne lesion was once located. They can persist for a number of months and then fade on their own.

皮肤变色:有时愈合的痤疮疤痕会导致皮肤变色,这也称为炎症后色素沉着/色素减退。 痤疮病变愈合后,皮肤变色可持续数月至数年。
Skin  discoloration. Sometimes a healed acne scar leaves discolored skin, which is also called post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation/depigmentation. Skin discoloration can remain visible for months after an acne lesion has healed.

疤痕组织:某些类型的痤疮会留下肥厚增大、凸起生长的疤痕组织。 这些痤疮疤痕可能被称为瘢痕疙瘩或增生性疤痕,是由皮肤中过量的胶原蛋白引起的。
Tissue scars. Some types of acne can leave scars that appear as enlarged, raised growths of tissue. These acne scars may be called keloids or hypertrophic scars, and are caused by excess production of collagen in your skin.

组织损失:比凸起的疤痕组织更常见的是由组织损失引起的萎缩凹陷性疤痕。 这些痤疮疤痕可分为滚筒型、冰锥型和厢车型。它们往往看起来是凹陷的,像皮肤上的凹坑。

Loss of tissue. More common than raised tissue scars are the acne scars that are caused by a loss of tissue. These atrophic acne scars can be divided into 3 types:rolling scar, ice-pick scar and boxcar scar. They tend to appear sunken and look like pits in the skin.




Home skin care. The appearance of scars that change your skin color may be improved with over-the-counter bleaching agents and use of sunscreen to limit contrast.


Laser resurfacing. This is a skin procedure that uses a laser to improve the appearance of your skin.


Other energy-based procedures. Pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices help make scars less noticeable without damaging the outer layer of skin. Results are subtle and you may need to repeat the procedure.

Chemical peeling. High-potency acid is applied to your skin to remove the top layer and minimize deeper scars.


TCA corss. This is the chemical reconstruction of skin scars(CROSS) using trichloroacetic acid(TCA). It involves depositing small amounts of TCA at high concentration(70-100%) onto the surface of atrophic scar. This causes a local inflammatory reaction leading to formation of new collagen fibers. It can minimize deeper atrophic scars. The result is definite but may acquire 3-5 sessions to obtain.

针刺或滚针:将针刺装置在皮肤上滚动以刺激下面的组织。 见效慢,可能需要重复治疗。
Needling or rolling. This involves rolling a needle-studded device over the skin to stimulate underlying tissue. The result is subtle, and you may need to repeat the treatments.

磨皮:通常用于较严重瘢痕。 使用快速旋转的钢刷去除表层皮肤。

Dermabrasion. This procedure is usually reserved for more severe scarring. It involves removing the top layer of skin with a rapidly rotating wire brush. Surface scars may be completely removed, and deeper acne scars may appear less noticeable.


Soft tissue fillers. Injecting collagen or fat under the skin and into indented scars can fill out or stretch the skin. This makes the scars less noticeable. Results are temporary, so you would need to repeat the injections periodically.

Surgery. Using a minor procedure called punch excision, your doctor cuts out individual acne scars and repairs the wound with stitches or a skin graft. Another technique called subcision involves your doctor inserting needles under the skin to loosen fibers below a scar, to help improve its appearance.

肉毒素注射:有时痤疮瘢痕周围的皮肤会皱缩。通过注射肉毒素来放松这些部位有助于改善皮肤的外观。 需要定期重复注射。
Botox injections. Sometimes the skin around acne scars puckers. Relaxing the area with an injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) helps improve the skin's appearance. You'd need to repeat the injections periodically.

We listed above some of the most popular treatment options for acne scar. There are some misses, especially treatment options for hypertrophic acne scars, which we have covered in previous articles. To determine what's best for you, discuss the prognosis and consequence of each procedure with your dermatologist.