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在三种虱子中,以阴虱体型最为强壮,很像螃蟹,因此也被称为蟹虱,其2对大螯上有锯齿边缘,握住毛干犹如手握单杠双杠, 牢牢抓住不轻易放松,所以阴虱的间接传染不多,主要通过性接触或直接紧密接触而传染(图1~4)。





虱毛目(学名:Phthiraptera)是原虱目和食毛目的合称,通称虱或虱子(英语:louse,slice)。全世界约有3,000种。虱寄生于人体、其他哺乳动物(除了单孔目和蝙蝠外)和鸟类的身上。以人类为宿主的虱有三种:人头虱、人体虱和阴虱(又称耻阴虱,见图)。其中,人头虱和人体虱属于人虱科(Pediculus  humanus),阴虱属于阴虱科(Pthirus pubis)。






转发Bolognia 皮肤病学第三版有关阴虱文章一篇,以加深印象。


Key features 关键特征
More properly designated “crab lice” (rather than “pubic lice”) because infestations may involve other hair-bearing sites such as the beard, eyelashes, axillae and perianal region
Transmitted by sexual or close contact and to a lesser extent via contaminated clothing, towels and bedding

ntroduction 导言
Infestation with Pthirus pubis, the crab louse, causes discomfort, pruritus and embarrassment and may coexist with other sexually transmitted infections. 阴虱,或称蟹虱寄生,引起不适、瘙痒和尴尬难堪。本病可以跟其他性传播感染同时存在。
History 历史
The parasitic relationship between humans and crab lice dates back to prehistoric times.
Epidemiology 流行病学
The incidence rate seems to be slightly higher in men, probably due to their increased amount of coarse body hair. Infestations with crab lice can be found in all socioeconomic and ethnic groups, although those of Asian descent or with minimal pubic hair are rarely infested. The highest prevalence is in men who have sex with men. Infestation is most frequently observed in those 15 to 40 years of age, correlating with increased levels of promiscuous sexual activity. Although infestation is often considered a sexually transmitted disease, individuals who have had no sexual exposures are occasionally infested via fomite transmission from contaminated clothing, towels or bedding.
Pathogenesis 发病机制
Crab lice, Pthirus pubis, are approximately 1 mm in length with a wider, shorter body than head lice, and they resemble tiny crabs (Fig. 84.10). Their eggs, which are found attached to human hairs, are viable for up to 10 days; the adult crab louse can live for at least 36 hours away from the host. Crab lice have serrated edges on their first claw that enable them to ambulate on the entire body surface. Thus, infestation occurs not only in pubic hair, but also in hair of the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, moustache, beard, axillae and perianal area. Indeed, 60% of patients with pubic lice are infested in at least two different hair-bearing sites. When the pubic area is shaved or treated, surviving crab lice can travel to other hairy areas of the body, including the scalp.
Clinical features 临床特点
in individuals with chronic crab lice infestations. They are slate-gray to bluish, irregularly shaped macules measuring 0.5–1 cm in diameter. The breakdown of bilirubin to biliverdin by enzymes in louse saliva has been postulated to cause these lesions.
The possibility of additional sexually transmitted infections should be considered and the original source of the infestation sought in order to reduce the risk of recurrence.
在慢性蟹虱感染的个体中,它们表现为灰石板色到浅蓝色,不规则型的斑点,大小直径在0.5-1cm. 有假说认为虱子唾液中有种酶,导致胆红素或胆绿素破裂,从而形成这种损害。其他性传播感染的可能性要考虑到,并且感染的诱发原因要了解清楚,以减少复发的危险。
Pathology 病理学
Crab lice cause nonspecific inflammatory changes in the epidermis and dermis. Because lice live on the surface of the skin, they would not be evident histologically.
Dierential diagnosis 鉴别诊断
The identification of crab lice and/or their nits is diagnostic (see Fig. 84.10). Skin diseases associated with pruritus have to be considered in the differential diagnosis, including other infestations (e.g. scabies) and arthropod bites. Nits on pubic or axillary hairs must be distinguished from white piedra and trichomycosis pubis or axillaris.
Treatment 治疗
Topical insecticides are the standard therapy for crab lice. Sexual partners should be treated simultaneously. Most commonly, permethrin (1% or 5%) and synergized pyrethrin products are utilized (Table 84.3). As with head lice, all topical insecticides should be applied on two occasions, 1 week apart, to ensure a proper therapeutic approach to hatched eggs. Moreover, all hairy areas of the body must be inspected for the existence of lice and then treated if there is any possibility of their presence. A single application of these topical products to only pubic hair may limit success rates to as low as 55%.
Currently, the safest and most effective topical treatment is 5% permethrin cream applied generously overnight to all possibly infested hairy areas, and then repeated 1 week later. Lindane has poor efficacy and higher toxicity, and the shampoo is not approved for extensive body application. Oral ivermectin on days 1 and 8 can be used for patients with perianal or eyelash involvement or when topical therapy is unsuccessful (see Table 84.3).
局部应用杀虫剂对于蟹虱是标准治疗。性伴侣也应该同时得到治疗。最常用的药物是1%-5%合成除虫菊酯和复方除虫菊酯(表84.3.). 像头虱治疗一样,所有的局部杀虫剂都应该用2次,间隔一周,以保证已孵化出的卵得到适当治疗。另外,注意检查所有有毛部位,只要有任何虱子存在的可能性,都要进行杀虫治疗。单纯对阴部使用局部杀虫治疗,就有可能降低成功率,低至55%。


