
2018年07月29日 4565人阅读 返回文章列表

Elderly Diabetics at More Risk of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Apr 14 - Diabetes mellitus significantly increases the risk of nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) in the elderly, researchers reported March 24th online in Ophthalmology.

纽约(路透社)4月14 –研究人员3月24日在眼科在线报道,在老年人,糖尿病大大增加了非动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变((NAION)的风险。
This is the first study to show that the incidence of NAION is increased among diabetics, coauthor Dr. Michael S. Lee told Reuters Health by email.

这是首次研究表明糖尿病患者中缺血性视神经病变发病率增加,该研究的共同作者Michael S. Lee博士在电子邮件中告诉路透社健康频道记者。
"The annual incidence of NAION among those 68 and older is much higher than previously reported," he added. "We found an incidence of 82 per 100,000. Previous studies had shown an incidence of 2 per 100,000 and 10 per 100,000."

Dr. Lee of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and colleagues used claims data from a 5% sample of Medicare beneficiaries to identify 25,515 patients with diabetes. All were at least 68 years old in 1994 when they were first diagnosed with diabete s. They were compared with an equal number of matched controls.


The subjects were followed for up to 13 years (mean, 7.6 years). In total, 319 patients (0.6%) were diagnosed with NAION, giving an annual incidence of 82 per 100,000 persons.


In the diabetic group, 188 (0.7%) developed AION, significantly more than the 131 controls with this finding (0.5%). After adjustment, the risk in diabetics was 40% greater. Being male also carried a 32% increased risk. There were no other significant associations.


The high incidence established, say the investigators, "may relate to the older age of our cohort or the fact that this study included a national database compared with regional databases. The higher incidence may also relate to misdiagnosis of other optic neuropathies reported by US providers."


Those with NAION are rarely unaware of the condition. As Dr. Lee pointed out, "These patients come in complaining of visual loss." However, he added, "There is no clear, evidence-based treatment for NAION."


SOURCE: http://bit.ly/eaMaaQ

Ophthalmology 2011.