
2018年08月01日 5109人阅读 返回文章列表

    以色列特拉维夫大学(Tel Aviv University 以色列规模最大的大学)的肩关节专家Eran MaMan和Oleg Dolkart等最近给了我一个答案。
     Eran MaMan和Oleg Dolkart等在2014年3月份的《ORTHOPEDICS》(骨科学杂志)上撰文:《肱骨大结节骨折时伴发损伤的关节镜探查所见》。Eran MaMan和Oleg Dolkart等在文中指出:肱骨近端骨折大约占全身所有骨折的5%。单纯的肱骨大结节骨折占肱骨近端骨折的20%。虽然说在肩关节近端骨折的情况下进行肩关节镜手术的技术要求非常高,但是肩关节镜探查手术可以使骨科医师有机会来确认其它的并发损伤以避免漏诊。 肱骨大结节骨折时伴发损伤的发生率还未见报道。本研究目的是通过肩关节关节镜探查来确认所伴发的不同类型的病理损伤。在作者所在的肩关节中心,作者们采用肩关节镜的方法来治疗两部分肩关节大结节骨折。所有的肩关节大结节骨折的患者都首先进行肩关节镜探查来判断是否伴有其它损伤(包括:肩袖撕裂、盂唇撕裂(Bankart损伤和SLAP损伤)或肱二头肌长头腱损伤等)。本组患者中10例进行了全肩关节镜下大结节骨折复位固定术,14例进行了关节镜辅助下大结节骨折复位内固定术。13例(54.2%)骨折完全移位。4例(16.7%)患者有盂肱关节的骨折脱位。关节镜探查发现22例(92%)的患者有软组织损伤,同时予以修复软组织损伤。关节镜探查发现肱骨大结节骨折伴有较高的软组织损伤发生率。这些软组织损伤(包括:肩袖撕裂、盂唇撕裂(Bankart损伤和SLAP损伤)或肱二头肌长头腱损伤等)可能被漏诊,但是通过肩关节镜这些软组织损伤可以被容易的探查到,从而可以在治疗骨折时同时修复软组织损伤。
  (中国 江苏省 徐州医学院附属医院骨科 膝关节、肩关节运动损伤关节镜方向 高绪仁 编译)
Orthopedics. 2014 Mar;37(3):e272-7. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20140225-60.

Arthroscopic findings of coexisting lesions with greater tuberosity fractures.

Maman E, Dolkart O, Chechik O, Amar E, Rak O, Rath E, Mozes G.


Proximal humerus fractures comprise approximately 5% of all fractures, with isolated greater tuberosity fractures accounting for approximately 20% of proximal humerus fractures. Although performing shoulder arthroscopy in situations including a fracture is technically demanding, it allows surgeons the opportunity to identify and treat other coexisting lesions that could have otherwise been missed. The incidence of these pathologies in combination with greater tuberosity fractures has not been established. This study aimed to identify the various types of pathologies that may coexist with greater tuberosity fractures but not be detected before fixation. Displaced 2-part greater tuberosity fractures were treated arthroscopically in the authors' department. All patients initially underwent diagnostic arthroscopy during which other coexisting pathologies were detected and assessed, including rotator cuff tears, labral tears (Bankart or superior labral anterior posterior lesions), or long head of the biceps pathologies. Twenty-four patients underwent arthroscopic (n=10) or arthroscopic-assisted (n=14) greater tuberosity reduction and fixation. Thirteen (54.2%) fragments were fully displaced. Four (16.7%) patients had fracture dislocation of the glenohumeral joint. The concomitant soft-tissue pathologies were identified and treated arthroscopically in 22 (92%) patients. Arthroscopic evaluation before greater tuberosity fracture fixation revealed a high percentage of concomitant soft tissue pathologies. These pathologies may be overlooked otherwise, but they are easily detected arthroscopically, enabling their treatment during the same procedure.


关键词:中国 江苏 徐州 徐州医学院附属医院骨科 徐州二院骨科 肩关节专家 肩关节镜手术 高绪仁 肱骨大结节骨折肱骨大结节撕脱骨折肩袖撕裂 盂唇撕裂 Bankart损伤 SLAP损伤 肱二头肌长头腱损伤 肩关节疼痛  肩袖损伤 肩关节不稳 肩峰撞击综合征