2022年08月26日 3423人阅读 返回文章列表
聚合型痤疮是一种非常严重但相当罕见的炎性痤疮形式。 它导致大的炎症性丘疹,脓疱和深在性结节。 结节大且通常呈圆顶状。 顶端皮肤破溃后经常会分泌难闻的脓液。
Acne conglobata is a very severe, but fairly rare, form of inflammatory acne. Acne conglobata causes large inflammatory pimples, papules, and deep nodules. Nodules grow very large and are often dome-shaped. Breakouts often drain bad-smelling pus.
What separates acne conglobata from the more common nodulocystic acne is that acne conglobata causes large draining abscesses. These deep breakouts grow and spread beneath the skin's surface, then join up with each other, forming sinus tracts.
What are the symptoms and treatments for acne conglobata? Let's check it out together~
examples: acne conglobata
聚合型痤疮的临床表现是怎样的?(What are the symptoms of acne conglobata?)
Acne conglobata typically occurs on the back and chest, shoulders, thighs, and buttocks, as well as the face. You'll get lines of breakouts, rather than single blemishes, as they grow and interconnect beneath the skin. There are a few key distinctions that can help differentiate acne conglobata from severe cases of the more common nodulocystic acne (often called cystic acne).
One is the way that blackheads develop. Blackheads, obviously, are incredibly common and nearly everyone gets them, even people without acne. Whereas, typically, blackheads appear singularly, in acne conglobata blackheads nearly always appear in groups of two or three. These become inflamed and grow to large, painful nodules.
Blackheads and other non-inflamed comedones (aka pore blockages) can grow really large as well, up to 3 centimeters across. These large pore blockages are called "macrocomedones."
As the skin tries to heal, a scab forms in the middle of the blemish. Acne conglobata nodules are notoriously slow healers and continue to spread outward even as the scab develops in the middle of the breakout.
聚合型痤疮的治疗方法有哪些?(What are the treatments for acne conglobata?)
Acne conglobata is challenging to treat. This type of acne absolutely must be treated by a dermatologist. Isotretinoin is by far the most common treatment and is generally the first treatment prescribed.
Oral antibiotics are another common treatment choice. They may be used in combination with or after the course of isotretinoin has stopped, or in place of isotretinoin if that medication can't be used.
Tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline are generally prescribed (cannot be used with isotretinoin). Clarithromycin can be used in combination with isotretinoin.
Oral steroids like prednisone may also be prescribed to help reduce inflammation. There are some reports of improvement with the immunosupressive medication infliximab.
If cne conglobata is not getting any better after systematic and topical treatments, the next step is surgery in combination with photodynamic therapy. Firstly, we drain and make small incisions on the lesions to enhance the absorption of photo-sensitizer. Then we incubate the lesions with liquid containing photo-sensitizers. After 1-2 h of incubation, the photo-sensitizer gets absorbed in the skin and specificly accumulate in the inflammed sebaceous glands. Next the lesions are exposed to light source. Photo-sensitizer is activated by the light and reacts with tissue oxygen, producing free radicals to kill inflammed cells.
Complete clearance of lesions can be achieved normally after 3-5 sessions of photpdynamic therapy. And relapse is very rare. Here is one of our case after 2 sessions of phtodynamic therapy.
The key is to get treatment early; acne conglobata can spread quickly. Since acne conglobata does extreme damage to the skin's structure, it almost always leaves scarring, unfortunately. Getting the nodules under control is the pressing goal. Once acne is reasonably controlled, you and your dermatologist can start talking about scar treatment options.