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VTE Risk Assessment in Patients with Cancer 癌症患者静脉血栓栓塞风险评估

Many of the risk factors for development of VTE are common to patients with cancer. VTE risk factors in cancer patients can be grouped into 3 general categories: intrinsic and extrinsic patient-related factors, cancer-related factors, and treatment-related factors. The VTE risk factors in the individual cancer patient are likely to be represented by all 3 risk factor categories, and the VTE risk conferred by a single risk factor cannot be evaluated in isolation from the others. 山东省肿瘤医院呼吸肿瘤内科张品良

Patient-related Factors

More advanced age, a common characteristic of many cancer patients, was shown to be associated with an increased risk for VTE in some clinical settings. In addition, obesity has been identified as a risk factor for VTE. There is also evidence that pre-chemotherapy thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, and hemoglobin level<10 g/dL are predictive of VTE in patients receiving chemotherapy, although the association of anemia with VTE may be complicated by use of erythropoietic stimulating agents (ESAs). Acquired risk factors for VTE include a history of VTE and certain hypercoagulable conditions, such as pregnancy. A history of prior VTE has been identified in a number of studies as an independent risk factor for developing a subsequent VTE. Moreover, recurrent VTE was found to be more common among patients with cancer; for example, 12-month cumulative incidences of recurrent VTE of 20.7% and 6.8% were reported for patients with and without cancer, respectively, undergoing anticoagulant treatment. Although factor V Leiden and prothrombin mutations were identified in 3.7% and 2.6%, respectively, of patients with breast or colon cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy in a recent prospective observational study, these inherited risk factors were not associated with an increased risk for VTE among cancer patients.

A number of other patient-related VTE risk factors, although not exclusive to cancer patients, are commonly found. These risk factors include hospitalization, other medical comorbidities, such as infection, poor performance status, and prolonged immobilization. In the latest report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), VTE events were found to occur at a high rate among hospitalized patients. Among hospitalized adults, VTE was reported in more than 547,000 patients annually (annual rate of 239 per 100,000 persons hospitalized), with more than 28,700 deaths annually in these patients. The risk for VTE increased with age in hospitalized patients. This report confirms that hospitalization is an important risk factor for VTE, and emphasizes the need for greater awareness of VTE risks and appropriate implementation of preventive measures in this setting. Infection has also been identified as an important risk factor for VTE, including in patients with cancer. A recently published case- crossover study in individuals (51 years of age) hospitalized for VTE (n=399 among n=16,781 participating in the Health and Retirement Study) reported that infections, use of ESAs, blood transfusions, major surgeries, fractures, immobility, and chemotherapy were significant risk factors for VTE hospitalization. In the subgroup of patients with cancer from this study, the major predictors of VTE hospitalization were infections, blood transfusions, and insertion of a central catheter. In a recent population-based case-control study in patients with hospital- diagnosed VTE (n=15,009), the estimated incidence rate for VTE was increased by 3-fold among patients within the first 3 months after infection, compared with those without an infectious event during the year before VTE (incidence rate ratio=3.3 after adjustment for other VTE risk factors).

Cancer-related Factors

Several VTE risk factors are exclusive to cancer patients, including the presence of malignancy, chemotherapy, and extrinsic vascular compression due to cancer-associated regional bulky lymphadenopathy. Results from 2 population-based case-control studies showed that the presence of cancer increased the risk for VTE by 4- and 7-fold. An increased risk for VTE in patients with cancer has also been supported by the results of other studies. Furthermore, researchers have reported cancer as the cause of approximately 20% of the VTE cases seen in the community, and a recent cancer diagnosis and the occurrence of advanced malignancies and distant metastases also increase VTE risk. For example, Blom et al reported an adjusted odds ratio of 19.8 for VTE risk in solid tumor cancer patients with distant metastases compared with patients without. In addition, tumor histology has been shown to influence the risk for VTE in patients. Several studies have evaluated the association between different types of cancer and the risk for developing a VTE. For example, pancreatic cancer and brain tumors were associated with a high risk for VTE in a number of the studies. Adenocarcinomas appear to be associated with a higher risk than squamous cell cancers. Although differences in study designs make it difficult to compare VTE rates according to a specific type of malignancy, other cancers that have been associated with an increased risk for VTE include cancers of the stomach, kidney, uterus, lung, ovary, bladder, and testis. In addition, an increased risk for VTE has been observed in certain hematologic malignancies, such as lymphoma, acute leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Patients with high-grade lymphoma and acute promyelocytic leukemia appear to be at higher risk than patients with other forms of lymphoma or leukemia. In a study of patients with high-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, disease-related venous compression was shown to be the most common cause of VTE in that population.

Several factors associated with an increased risk for VTE in myeloma patients include the diagnosis of multiple myeloma itself, hyperviscosity, and treatment with thalidomide- or lenalidomide-based combination regimens (combined with high-dose dexamethasone, doxorubicin, or multiagent chemotherapy). Further validation of the influence of these risk factors on VTE rates in patients with myeloma is warranted. In contrast, breast cancer was associated with a relatively low VTE risk in some studies. Nevertheless, because of the relatively high prevalence of breast cancer, the occurrence of VTE in a patient with breast cancer is not uncommon. Furthermore, the risk for VTE was shown to increase by 6-fold when patients with metastatic breast cancer were compared with patients with localized disease.

Treatment-related Factors 治疗相关因素

Treatment-related risk factors include surgery, the presence of a central venous access device (CVAD, also known as a catheter), and administration of chemotherapy and other systemic treatments. For example, Heit et al reported nearly 22-fold and 8-fold increases in risks for the development of VTE in patients hospitalized or confined to a nursing home with and without recent surgery, respectively, compared with non-institutionalized patients who had not undergone recent surgery.

A number of specific agents used in cancer treatment are associated with an increased risk for developing VTE. A detailed listing of these agents is not provided here; rather, the NCCN Guidelines describe some of the evidence for the association of 3 representative classes of cancer drugs (cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens, hormone therapy with estrogenic compounds, and antiangiogenic agents) with increased VTE risk.

The association of cytotoxic chemotherapy with the development of VTE in cancer patients has been shown in several studies. For example, in one population-based case-control study, odds ratios of 6.5 and 4.1 for development of VTE were determined when cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and cancer patients not receiving chemotherapy, respectively, were compared with patients without a malignant neoplasm. In another retrospective study, the annual incidence of VTE was 15% in patients with colorectal cancer treated with chemotherapeutic regimens. Khorana et al have published a risk assessment model to estimate the risk for VTE in ambulatory cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. This risk assessment model has been recently validated and extended by Ay and colleagues, who identified D dimer and P selectin as additional discriminatory risk factors for VTE in ambulatory cancer patients. However, these laboratory tests are not routinely measured in cancer patients, so their inclusion in routine thrombotic risk assessment should be predicated upon their validation in future studies. The risk factors identified by Khorana et al, which formed the basis for the risk assessment models, set the stage for prospective, confirmatory randomized clinical trials evaluating the risks and benefits of risk-targeted VTE prophylaxis in ambulatory cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.

Increased VTE risk was shown to be associated with the use of exogenous hormonal compounds, such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (eg, tamoxifen, raloxifene) for the prevention and treatment of certain estrogen-receptor positive cancers. Use of hormonal compounds, such as hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptive agents, has also been associated with increased risk for developing VTE. Recent case-control studies and meta-analysis suggest that for combined oral contraceptives, VTE risks may be different between formulations, depending on the type of progestogen used. Diethylstilbestrol phosphate used in combination with doxorubicin for the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer was reported to increase VTE risk when compared with use of doxorubicin alone. Evidence has been presented to support the association of immunomodulating agents that have antiangiogenic properties (eg, thalidomide in combination with doxorubicin and/or dexamethasone; lenalidomide in combination with dexamethasone) with an increased incidence of VTE when used in the treatment of multiple myeloma (see Guidelines section Outpatient Prophylactic Therapy in Ambulatory Cancer Patients). Other agents used in supportive cancer care, such as ESAs, have also been associated with the development of VTE. Concomitant use of erythropoietin with cancer therapies associated with the development of VTE, such as lenalidomide, may further increase VTE risk.

Results from numerous studies have identified the presence of a CVAD as a risk factor for development of an upper-extremity DVT (UEDVT), although discrepancies exist concerning the incidence of catheter-related DVT. The association between catheter/device placement and the development of DVT may be the result of venous stasis and vessel injury after insertion of the CVAD or infections occurring as a result of catheter placement. Possible reasons for the reported discrepancies in the incidence of catheter-related DVT may include recent improvements in catheter materials and design and the different diagnostic strategies used in some of the studies (ie, clinical, which identifies symptomatic events, versus radiologic surveillance, which identifies symptomatic and asymptomatic events).