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2017年09月22日 11033人阅读 返回文章列表


Thyroid hyoid cyst is usually located in the neck midline, infrahyoid, assumes the circular, the diameter is about 2 - 3 cm, smooth surface without tenderness. Check cyst fixed, not be up and about passing, but swallowing or tongue when the mass moves upward as its characteristic. Cyst of transparent positive test large and superficial, smaller cysts can touch a cable connected with the hyoid bone. At puberty, due to secretion retention or complicated infection within the cyst, cyst rupture forms a fistula, fistula can be extended upward, close to the hyoid bone around or through the hyoid direct blind hole, by fistula often discharged translucent mucus, after a period of time, the fistula can be temporarily heal scabby, and soon due to secretion retention and ulceration. This hair more, palpable and a sneak to the hyoid direction cable bands of tissue in the fistula above.



Before the huge cyst operation,      preoperative thyroid cartilage cyst



The traditional surgical method is the cyst or fistula total resection, must be cyst or fistula with hyoid middle is complete excision, excise hyoid above and adjacent muscle, direct tongue blind holes, to ensure no recurrence.

Author introduction and application of ablation combined with drug injection to achieve minimally invasive radiofrequency, cyst of a cure, no pain, no surgery, no scars.


Ablation for the treatment of minimally invasive, leaving only a tiny pinhole has healed.


Female, 21 years old, the thyroid cyst, before treatment
